- Introductions
- Navigation
- Dynamesh
- 3D Edit Mode
- Basic Brushes
- Masking
- Exporting Images
Windows Keyboard Shortcut
Mac Keyboard Shortcut
Free Rotate
Click and drag background
Click and drag background
Alt + click and drag background
Option + click and drag background
Constrain to 90-degree rotation
Click + drag, press Shift
Click + drag, press Shift
Alt + click, release Alt key then drag background
Option + click, release Option key then drag background
Rotate around Z-axis
Shift + click, release Shift key then drag
Shift + click, release Shift key then drag
- start with Lightbox Project Dynamesh16
- Below is a quick guide to using DynaMesh:
- Tool > Geometry > DynaMesh. Make sure the DynaMesh button is highlighted orange. (Since we started with the DynaMesh016.ZPR, this should already be the case, if not, click the DynaMesh button.
- Sculpt using one of your favorite brushes and try manipulating the mesh a lot so you can see a distortion or stretching of the topology. Imagine you were sculpting a horn or something that extends far off the surface of your model.
- Update your mesh
- Hold Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac) and click and drag a small rectangle anywhere on the open canvas
- Depending on what level of sculpting you're working on—Primary, Secondary, Tertiary forms—you may want to add more resolution. Do this by sliding the Resolution slider up but be careful to increase the resolution only as you NEED it. Try going from 16 > 32 > 64 > 128 > 256.
- Continue sculpting
3D Edit Mode
- use the hotkey "T" to enter/exit 3D Edit Mode
- Edit Mode Scare!!!
- if your screen looks like the above image, try the following steps:
- Freak out!
- Breathe.
- Press Ctrl + N. This clears your current canvas by creating a New Document.
- Click and Drag on the canvas. This will draw your 3D object back onto your work space, but it's important to remember to draw your object only once.
- Enter Edit Mode. Press the Edit button at the top left of your work space.
- Standard
- Move
- ClayBuildup
- Dam_Standard
- TrimDynamic
- SnakeHook
- Smooth
- To activate the Smooth Brush, press and hold the Shift key then paint on the surface of your model
- The brush cursor will turn blue when you’re in Smooth Mode
- Paint a Mask
- Press the Ctrl key (Windows) or the Command key (Mac) to activate the mask tool. This is a toggle, so press it to activate masking and release to go back to sculpting mode.
- Paint directly onto the surface of your model.
- Make Mask Rectangles
- Press the Ctrl key (Windows) or the Command key (Mac).
- Click on the open canvas and drag out a rectangle so that it covers a portion of your model.
- Invert a Mask
- Press Ctrl and click (Windows) on the open canvas. Be careful NOT to drag on the canvas.
- Clear a Mask
- Press Ctrl and click (Windows) and drag on the open canvas. Make sure not to cover any of your model with the rectangle.
- Unmask an Area
- You can "unpaint" an area on your model by pressing Ctrl + Alt (Windows) or Command + Option (Mac) and painting on a masked area.
- Drag out a mask rectangle and press the Alt key (Windows) or the Option key (Mac). You will see your rectangle go from dark to light.
- Blur a Mask
- Press Ctrl and click on the masked area to soften its edges. You may have to repeat this several times depending on the resolution of your model.
Exporting Images
- Resize Document to 1280 x 720
- From the Document menu, turn off Pro and input the following dimensions: 1280 (width) and 720 (height): 720. Click Resize. When Window pops up to ask if you wish to proceed, select Yes.
- Clear Canvas
- Press Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac) + N. This clears any image of your ZTool that may have gotten stamped onto the canvas during the resize.
- Draw Model Onto Canvas
- Click and drag on canvas
- Enter Edit Mode (T)
- Position ZTool
- Pro Tip: Turning on Draw > Align To Object makes it easier to get the view that you want.
- Resize and Position for Multiple Angles
- Pressing Shift + S will stamp the image onto document.
- Position the ZTool to the side so it's no longer overlapping the stamped image. Then rotate your ZTool so you see it from a new angle.
- Press Shift + S.
- Repeat as often as you need to.
- Export Document
- Go to Document Export.
- Select "Export as JPEG."
- Press Save.
- play!
- experiment with different brushes, materials, interface items
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